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Lyme disease - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
Lyme disease is an illness caused by borrelia bacteria. Humans usually get Lyme disease from the bite of a tick carrying the bacteria. Ticks that can carry borrelia bacteria live throughout most of the United States. But Lyme disease is most common in the upper Midwest and the northeastern and mid-Atlantic states. - Advocating nationally for quality accessible ...'s mission is to prevent Lyme disease, prevent early Lyme disease from becoming chronic and to obtain access to care for patients with chronic Lyme disease.

Lyme Disease | Lyme Disease | CDC - Centers for Disease Control and ...
General information on Lyme disease including prevention and what to do after a tick bite. Information on the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease. Borrelia bacteria are spread to people through the bite of an infected blacklegged tick. ... Available Lyme disease data including how many people get Lyme disease, and where.

Lyme disease - Wikipedia
Lyme disease, also known as Lyme borreliosis, is a tick-borne disease caused by species of Borrelia bacteria, transmitted by blood-feeding ticks in the genus Ixodes. [4][9][10] The most common sign of infection is an expanding red rash, known as erythema migrans (EM), which appears at the site of the tick bite about a week afterwards. [1] .

Signs and Symptoms of Untreated Lyme Disease - CDC
Untreated Lyme disease can produce a wide range of symptoms, depending on the stage of infection. These include fever, rash, facial paralysis, an irregular heartbeat, and arthritis.

Lyme Disease Symptoms | has developed a Lyme disease symptom checklist to help you document your exposure to Lyme disease and common symptoms for your healthcare provider. You will receive a report that you can print out and take with you to your next doctor’s appointment.

Chronic Lyme Disease can make patients profoundly debilitated.
Untreated or undertreated Lyme can cause some people to develop severe symptoms that are hard to resolve. This condition may be referred to as post-treatment Lyme disease (PTLD) or chronic Lyme disease (CLD). We don’t know exactly how many people who are diagnosed and treated remain ill. CDC estimates range from 10-20%.

Lyme Disease: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment - WebMD
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi and, rarely, Borrelia mayonii bacteria. What kind of ticks carry Lyme disease? Infected backlegged ticks (also called deer...

Lyme Disease - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Lyme disease, also known as Lyme borreliosis, is an infectious condition transmitted through the bite of infected ticks, primarily caused by the spirochete bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi in the United States and various Borrelia species in Europe and Asia.

Lyme Disease: Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention & Recovery
Lyme disease is an infection that happens when an infected tick bites a human. The condition can cause joint pain. Antibiotics treat Lyme disease. Even after treatment, some symptoms may linger. A reddish rash or skin lesion known as erythema migraines (EM) starts as a small red spot at the site of the tick bite. What is Lyme disease?




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