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Blood - American Society of Hematology
2024 Blood Cover Art Contest Winner; Year in review: Blood's ten most read articles published in 2024; Acknowledgement of Reviewers

Blood - Wikipedia
Blood is a body fluid in the circulatory system of humans and other vertebrates that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells, and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells. [1] Blood is composed of blood cells suspended in blood plasma.

Blood | Definition, Composition, & Functions | Britannica
Blood, fluid that transports oxygen and nutrients to cells and carries away carbon dioxide and other waste products. Blood contains specialized cells that serve particular functions. These cells are suspended in a liquid matrix known as plasma. Learn more about the components and function of blood.

Blood: Function, What It Is & Why We Need It - Cleveland Clinic
Blood is mostly fluid but contains cells and proteins. Blood has four parts: Red blood cells (bottom right), white blood cells, platelets (middle right) and plasma (top right). What is blood? Blood is an essential life force, constantly flowing and keeping your body working.

Facts About Blood - Johns Hopkins Medicine
Detailed information on blood, including components of blood, functions of blood cells and common blood tests.

Blood: Components, functions, groups, and disorders - Medical News Today
Blood supplies essential substances, such as sugars and oxygen, to cells and organs, and removes waste from cells. Hematologists work to identify and prevent blood and bone marrow diseases....

Blood (Anatomy): Function, Components, Types ... - Biology Dictionary
Blood is the body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers the essential materials for life to the body’s cells. It has sometimes been called a fluid “tissue,” because like solid tissues it contains several types of cells which perform complex functions for the human body.

Blood - MedlinePlus
Blood has many functions in your body. Blood tests help doctors check for certain diseases and conditions. Learn about blood types and blood tests.

Composition of Blood and its Functions - BYJU'S
Blood is a fluid connective tissue that consists of plasma, blood cells and platelets. It circulates throughout our body delivering oxygen and nutrients to various cells and tissues. It makes up 8% of our body weight. An average adult possesses around 5-6 litres of blood. We have seen blood consist of cells known as formed elements of blood.

Donate Blood, Platelets or Plasma. Give Life | Red Cross Blood
Blood donors report feeling a sense of great satisfaction after making their blood donation. Why? Because helping others in need just feels good. Donate blood today to help those in need.




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