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Clinical Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of CLINICAL is of, relating to, or conducted in or as if in a clinic. How to use clinical in a sentence.
There are two types of clinical studies: interventional studies (also called clinical trials) and observational studies. The unique identification code given to each clinical study upon registration at The format is "NCT" followed by an 8-digit number (for example, NCT00000419).

CLINICAL | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
CLINICAL definition: 1. used to refer to medical work or teaching that relates to the examination and treatment of ill…. Learn more.

Locations - DM Clinical
DM Clinical is a multi-therapeutic network of clinical research sites based out of Houston, Texas.

Clinical Trials in Houston, TX - DM Clinical
We specialize in multiple therapeutic areas in Phase I-IV clinical trials with high quality, high performance sites. Review and learn about our clinical study process. Find a trial that is right for you. DM Clinical is a network of clinical trial investigator sites.

CLINICAL Definition & Meaning |
concerned with or based on actual observation and treatment of disease in patients rather than experimentation or theory. She regarded him with clinical detachment. a clinical bandage. Ecclesiastical. (of a sacrament) administered on a deathbed or sickbed. (of a convert or conversion) made on a deathbed or sickbed. Clinical definition: .

Clinical Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
CLINICAL meaning: 1 : relating to or based on work done with real patients of or relating to the medical treatment that is given to patients in hospitals, clinics, etc.; 2 : requiring treatment as a medical problem

Clinical - definition of clinical by The Free Dictionary
1. pertaining to a clinic. 2. concerned with or based on actual observation and treatment of disease in patients rather than experimentation or theory. 3. dispassionately analytic; unemotionally critical: clinical detachment. 4. pertaining to or used in a sickroom: a clinical bandage.

Clinical - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms -
Something that's clinical is based on or connected to the study of patients. Clinical medications have actually been used by real people, not just studied theoretically.

What Is a Clinical Trial or Clinical Study? - Cleveland Clinic
A clinical trial is a research study where experts study potential treatments. The treatments might be new drugs or devices. Clinical trials must meet specific standards and regulations. Should you decide to join a clinical trial, know that your well-being is the clinical trial team’s top priority. And you can leave a trial at any time.




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