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Curable: A Different Approach to Chronic Pain
Curable includes guided meditations, visualizations, CBT techniques, and expressive writing exercises, each of which has been proven in studies to reduce pain levels and improve the feeling of control over your pain.

The Curable App - Chronic Pain Recovery - Curable Health
Curable Classes. Break through your roadblocks to healing. Better understand why chronic pain develops and persists; Learn how to navigate the stages of recovery, including setbacks and relapses; Identify the healing techniques that work best for you; Feel supported and not alone in your healing journey; Try Curable Classes for 99 / month

Pricing - Curable App
Curable is one of the few chronic pain treatment approaches that does not produce harmful side effects, or require the use of medication. It uses holistic techniques like meditation, expressive writing, and brain training to reduce the impact of chronic pain.

Curable For Clinicians
Free Access to Curable The app that makes chronic pain self care easy, engaging, and accessible from home. Sign Up Free as a Clinician. to try the recovery program for yourself & give patients 6 weeks free. Already signed up? Log in

Testimonials - Curable Health
Below are experiences some real pain sufferers are having with the Curable program. It's important to note that pain is unique to each person, so not everybody will experience identical results.

About - Curable Health
The education and tools that we have packaged into the Curable program follow the same evidence-based strategies we used to recover from our own pain, including: degenerative disc disease, migraine, sciatica, RSI, knee pain, pelvic pain, and more.

The Science Behind Curable
Curable is based on biopsychosocial medicine, a proven approach to chronic pain relief. We built our program on the same biopsychosocial principles and techniques that have shown significant results across clinical studies.

Like Mind, Like Body Podcast - Curable Health
Can your parenting style impact your child’s risk of chronic pain? Join us as we interview top researchers, best-selling authors, and field experts about the astonishing ways your thoughts and feelings impact the physical health of your body. Powered by Curable: the program for chronic pain recovery through mindbody medicine

Chronic Pain: A Cycle of Stress and Pain - Curable Health
The Curable program delivers evidence-based methods for chronic pain self care. It guides users through easy-to-understand pain science education, and hundreds of exercises designed to break the cycle of pain.

Blog - Curable Health
Curable unveils its full scientific advisory board: a multidisciplinary team of board-certified physicians, experts, and researchers hand-selected to provide a comprehensive picture of the complexities of chronic pain.




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