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Peripheral Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of PERIPHERAL is of, relating to, involving, or forming a periphery or surface part. How to use peripheral in a sentence. Did you know?

PERIPHERAL | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
PERIPHERAL definition: 1. Something that is peripheral is not as important as something else: 2. happening at the edge of…. Learn more.

PERIPHERAL Definition & Meaning |
Relating to or being the surface or outer part of a body or organ. Relating to or being part of the peripheral nervous system. Computer Science. An auxiliary device, such as a printer or modem, distinct from a computer's central processing unit and working memory, and often connected externally.

The Peripheral (TV series) - Wikipedia
The Peripheral is an American science fiction television series created by Scott B. Smith. Produced by Amazon, it is loosely based on the 2014 book written by William Gibson. Westworld creators Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy serve as executive producers, along with Athena Wickham, Steve Hoban, and Vincenzo Natali. Set roughly 50 years in the ...

PERIPHERAL | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
PERIPHERAL meaning: 1. Something that is peripheral is not as important as something else: 2. happening at the edge of…. Learn more.

Peripheral - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms -
Anything peripheral is on the margin, or outside, while main things, like a computer's processor, are not peripheral. Outside of computer jargon, peripheral is a common term in eye exams, which measure peripheral vision to see how far toward the outer right and left edges you can see.

Peripheral - Wikipedia
A peripheral is a hardware component that is accessible to and controlled by a computer but is not a core component of the computer. A peripheral can be categorized based on the direction in which information flows relative to the computer:

PERIPHERAL definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
PERIPHERAL definition: not relating to the most important part of something; incidental , minor , or superficial | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

peripheral adjective - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage ...
Definition of peripheral adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

Peripheral - definition of peripheral by The Free Dictionary
1. pertaining to or constituting the periphery. 2. concerned with the minor or superficial aspects of a question. 3. Anat. near the surface or outside of; external. 4. of or pertaining to a computer peripheral. n. 5. an external hardware device, as a keyboard, printer, or tape drive, connected to a computer's CPU.




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