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Flea & Tick Preventative? Frontline+, K-9 Advantix...
General Dog Forums. Dog Health Questions. Flea & Tick Preventative? Frontline+, K-9 Advantix, Sentinel, Comfortis, Revolution??

Flea and tick prevention in Florida - what do you use?
So nothing natural out there that works, eh? Thanks for your reply, Pitts. I have Dr. Pitcairn's Natural Health book but it seems like with diatomaceous earth, essential oil mixes, homemade diet and manual tick and flea removal it would be a lot of work for me in addition to my mom duties, home educating, household and regular pet care duties.

Tick treatment? - Puppy Forum and Dog Forums
Heck, it takes an infected Deer Tick (black-legged) to transmit lyme disease within 24 hours of attachment! Also, the American Dog Tick and the Rocky Mountain Wood Tick that carry Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever only need to be on a dog for 5-20 hours for infection to occur.

Tick, Mole or Something Else? | Puppy Forum and Dog Forums
I thought at first it might be a tick, but since I've never had a tick on my dogs,I looked online, and all those seem to have a head or legs or something, this doesn't. It doesn't seem to be irritating her, only when i went to pull on it since I thought it might be a tick, but it was firmly attached to the skin.

Tick fever - Puppy Forum and Dog Forums
I don't know about tick fever, but I have two dogs that have had Lyme. One had it when I rescued her 5 years ago, she was like a walking skeleton and I couldn't figure out why she did not eat all of her food. The same week I got her, during a walk I bent over to pet her and touched her jaw, she screamed in pain and ran back towards the house.

Flea & Tick Preventative? Frontline+, K-9 Advantix...
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Heartgard and Frontline, Sentinel and Nexgard, or...
Dog Health Questions ...

Can I use Frontline Plus in conjunction with Revolution (HW)?
I'm using Revolution for Heartworm protection, and understand it stops fleas but not ticks. I'm trying some homemade options but when Henry goes to kennels I want to ensure that he's protected from ticks - the kennels are in a wooded area and I don't want to rely on the staff using my homemade options or checking for ticks.

Flea and Tick prevention? | Puppy Forum and Dog Forums
Dog Health Questions ...

My dog had a tick. Now he has a sore. - Puppy Forum and Dog Forums
My dog had a tick above his eye and we removed it 2 1/2 weeks ago. Today I noticed a bump where it was. When I touched it the fur fell off. It had a small scab that fell off as well. The bump doesn't seem to be causing any pain. I put antibiotic ointment on it.




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